Monday, January 14, 2008


Has been a long time since I wrote a post. So here goes- yesterday was an eye opening experience. We were invited by our Aikya family for dinner. Aikya family is the family away from home. These families are the elite families from Hyderabad's social circles. This gives ISB students an opportunity to interact with the finest families of the Hyderabadi society. The one lesson my Aikya family patriarch gave me was- "Never, Never associate yourself with a looser". The negative energy of the looser is strong enough to bring you down. Reminds me of the STAR WARS funda- "May the force be with you". The force here is the positive thought that you generate and the positive thought that those around you generate.
The other aspect was how small the world is. Six degrees of freedom hit home yesterday. One of the business partners of my Aikya patriarch is arelative of mine. This is an amazing coincidence. So I am a huge convert to networking. You never know which happy coinincidence you would stumble on around the corner.

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