Monday, July 23, 2007

Dean Deepak Jain at ISB

Dean Jain's visit to ISB was quite an event. Khemka Hall- the auditorium was choc-a-block full, a week before the end term exams this was quite an event. The entire student body was looking forward to the event and Dean Jain did not disappoint the audience. The first thing that strikes you when you meet Dean Jain is the complete absence of any accent. For somebody who has stayed in the United States for such along while this is quite an interesting feature.

Dean Jain narrated a story (it happened during the Tsunami that hit Thailand) of an elephant in Thailand that broke the rope it was tied with and ran away just before the tsunami hit. The rationale for the Elephant's behaviour was that because animals are acutely aware of their surroundings and can pick up shock waves through their legs, they can feel seismic activity before humans do. The lesson- be firmly rooted to your roots and you shall not only survive you will prosper. No doubt Dean Jain does not have an accent.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

ISB- Term2 and the learning

The second term at ISB was quite an experience- fast and furious. The learning from the term was immense- the Markstrat game, Prof. Jagmohan Raju's classes and Prof. Harbir Singh's classes. The class of these professors from Wharton stood out in the way they handled class participation- It was like a master swordsman jibing and then stepping back all in one flowing single masterful step. And, I loved Prof. Raju's statement- "Life and marketing are like a game of bridge one aspect is the hand that you are dealt and the other, the way you play the hand that you have been dealt".

Another professor who left a mark was Prof. Krishna Kumar who taught us Macro Economics. The screening of "Commanding Heights" in professor's class was a huge learning. The way the prof. handled a complex subject like economics was a treat.

The icing on the cake was Dean Deepak Jain's (Dean- Kellog School of Business) visit to ISB. As a member of the marketing club I had the good fortune of interacting with Dean Jain personally. That was an experience that deserves a separate post.

As far as the term end exams go I am still in shock- Whaaat Happened!!!!!

The photograph- The marketing club core team with Dean Jain. Me- on the extreme right.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

ISB and class participation


The concept of class participation is central to the study methodology at many B-Schools world over. Class participation ensures that students come prepared to the class with questions, answers, opinions and arguments. But, there are three players that decide what you take away from a class that depends on such a methodology- your preparation, others in the class and last but the most critical - The Professor. Class participation as a methodology is more a test of the Professor I feel. The professor needs to balance between control and participation from the class so that there is coherence and learning at the same time.
From a student's perspective, class participation needs arms of steel, reaction that could make Roger Federer blush and a booming voice that roars for attention. Reminds me of Mohammed Ali's statement- Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. And, if you can do that you my friend have a talent and an 8 on 8 in class participation.

Friday, June 22, 2007


The one thing that one realises while going through ream upon ream of case material is that the solution to all great problems in life/work have a beautiful simple solution. The simpicity with which Alexander cut through the Gordian knot is case to the point.
And, it was with the same surgical beauty that Ziev Katlan taught us Monte Carlo simulation on crystal ball (In that liquor case crystal boll!!!). The passion for the subject and the involvement of the professor comes accross when you look at him explainining a small point for over two hours and I sat there in stunned attention listening and seeing the dramatic instruction style. And, his response to the silence to his question in the class-DONT LOOOK At MEE, LOOOK At THEE BOARRD!!! The answer is there.
An overly complicated reply to a question, elicited a passionate NOOOOOOOOO! from Ziev and then came the advice that I take away from the course- Keeep it siimple!!
And, it is in this advice I found resonance to what Waterman taught us in the Multiple Regression class- OCCAM'S RAZOR. Keep it Simple!!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


It is exactly a week since the batch of 2008 landed at the sprawling campus at the ISB. The week has passed by in a flash. The week has been dedicated to orienting the class of 2008 to the nuances of the ISB way. The role played by the class of 2007 during the ISB orientation week was stellar. A series of team building exercises, section gyan sessions, case study, sports, club presentations, ISB radio competition and the talent nite were all seamlessly arranged in a period of a week. The tremendous bonhomie of the class of 2007 is something that should be emulated by the class of 2008.

The quality of the facilities at the ISB are brilliant. The squash courts have a glass wall and paraquet flooring, there is a well equipped gym and a beautiful swimming pool. There are many more avenues for people who prefer other sports. But, for me the above three are what matter. Also, our team entry came second in the ISB radio competition. Radio is definitely good fun.

The extraordinary achievements of my classmates makes me proud to be a member of the class of 2008. They say that there are three things that matter in a MBA institute- the faculty pool, the peer group and the alumni. And, ISB is brilliant on all these three parameters. If we throw in the brilliant facilities at the ISB- ISB is MBA heaven.


Friday, March 30, 2007


My score

My Strategy:
Took the diagnostic test from the Original Guide-11th edition and zeroed in on topics that I was reasonably comfortable with. Percentages, Ratio and proportion, indices, numbersand Geometry. Luckily these are the critical chapters for the GMAT. After the initial diagnosis I realised that I did some unforced errors - errors made not because I could not understand the question buterrors made because I rushed the solution and in the bargain did errors like multiplying instead of adding. Initially, I focussed on eliminating these unforced errors while taking tests. Also, aimed at understanding chapters mentioned above in greater detail by solving greater number of questions and also questions with greater complexity from these chapters.I used OG-11, Kaplan premier course and aregular mathematics book. My preparation for CAT(Common Admission Test) came real handy. Another useful preparatory material source was the quant material from T.I.M.E, a coching institute in India that prepares students for CAT.

The next step was to focus on chapters like probability, permutations and combinations, absolute value and co-ordinate geometry. I knew that if were to get a tough question from these chapters there was a bright chance that i would get the answer wrong - whatever the level of preparation. So rather than making these chapters the focus of my preparation I aimed at geetting a decent level of proficiency in these chapters.I did get around6-7 questions from these chapters in the actual GMAT and I am quite sure that I got 5 of them right. Lesson- donot leave any chapter totally out of your preparation.

The decision to be taken for quant is which chapters are essential rather critical for thr GMAT and hence require greater focus and which chapters can be prepared at a more basic level. For example in co-ordinate geometry if you know how to calculate the slope of the lne, the meaning of positive and negative slope and the equation of the line, you are quite OK to handle most of the basic problems of this Chapter at the actual GMAT.

DATA SUFFICIENCY my fundas in the next post.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


It has happened . The great moment in life. The moment of truth. The feeling of reding the sms on Friday, 9 Feb 2007 will remain with me forever. A sense of dejavu- the kind of feeling I had when I had got a confirmation from SCMHRD, 12 years ago. Great! feeling after the shell shocked state I have been since Friday. Meeting the round one and round two admits from Hyderabad at Cafe Cofee Day was a very plesant experience. I was totally impressed by the Hyd gang- Absolutely electrifying. The coming year promises to be an eventful one,plesantly eventfull I hope & Pray. Cannot help but thank God Almighty for the way things are. Details of the interview and application process in the future posts.

Sunday, January 07, 2007



Man! these guys have kicked it.
Going for a drug deal with a gangster waiting in the middle of a lake, short cut; use a super- bike to jump onto the waiting boat.
Boss! if I were a gangster I would shoot the bike out of the whillee before it lands. But, our friend Uday Chopra has to have a dhoom entry.

And, ofcourse Mr. Abhishek Bacchan is the genius who uses a water scooter like a submarine. And, like all submarines this one flies in the air too!!!!
Then the genius' after burner really takes off, cracks A's(Hrithik Roshan) modus-operendi and knows where and when A will strike again. Now, Mr. A is trying to make a massive A that can be traced by joining the cities where he has struck or plans to strike. Bombay happens to be on the horizontal line of the A. Me ask, how did they manage to fit Rio-de-jeniro on the A. Man Aditya Chpora has been reading - The life of the Incas too seriously. Crazy Kiya Re...