Friday, December 01, 2006


ISB application submitted

The application is in and the status shows all received. Now, the wait is getting quite excrutiating. The experiences of the round 1 interviewees is freaking me out. Trying to keep cool.
But, that my friends is quite a task.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

AWA score for GMAT & the official score

It's official-720 it is. Thankfully the "un and the of" tally.
The AWA score is 5 and am quite happy with it. That gives me some measure of my essay writing skills. Atleast they are better than average.

The application process is on. I have completed 3 essays and the fourth should be in today.

Waiting for two recommendation letters to come in. The cut-off is Monday.

Thursday, November 09, 2006



Took the GMAT on the 6th of Nov and got a score of 720. Absolutely pleased. Not bad, especially considering that got back to studying after eight long years.

GMAT as an exam is quite an accurate measure of verbal and quantitative skills. The consistency with which the test scores the test taker, is what impresses me the most about the GMAT. On the GMAT prep tests I scored 720 in all four of the tests and that was exactly my score on the GMAT. So consistent it definitely is.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The debut! what's in the name

Hi! cyberspace
This is my first entry in my blog. Let me start with the name of my blog.
It has two meanings the generic meaning of chuck-de-phatte in punjabi is - Just MAX it. That is ofcourse one of the intents of my blog. The second meaning of the phrase is chuck's(my nickname) phatte (stories).

The debut!